Studio Live Timetable – Are you ready?

Here are this weeks classes are you ready 
All classes are live and then available on replay

7 Day Kick  Start Fat Loss 

Today is about being Organised, Planned and Prepped.

1:Drink 2/3 Litres of water – take your water bottle with you.
2:Have you planned and prepped your food for tomorrow 
3: Healthy meals, Lean protein, tons of veggies – 
4 Have you booked your workouts with me for the week?
6:Use your journal to chart your feelings and symptoms at the start and end of the day. 
Monday 29th April 6am Walkfit 630am Lift Lean™ Power Lifting 915am Tranquility Stretch with Yoga Blocks  
Tuesday 30th April6am Walkfit 630am Met Con 430pm Calisthenics  
Wednesday 1st May 6am Walkfit 630am Cardio Resist 430pm  Fitness Pilates Flow  
Thursday 2nd May 6am Walkfit 630am Slow Strength 915am Run Club  
Friday 3rd May 6am Walkfit 630am Step Stamina & Strength Friday 3rd May 915am Gentle  Fitness Pilates for Orthopaedic Conditions  
Saturday 4th May 6am Walkfit 630am FLEX Towel Mobility 7am Activation Band Express

Fancy joining us at Champneys Springs next week ?
Luxury Wellness Retreat in Partnership with Champneys Springs 9th MayJoin our beautiful luxury retreat day at Champneys  Luxury Wellness Retreat in Partnership with Champneys springswith  Rachel and Kelly At Champneys Springs Date: THURSDAY 9th MAY Join us for a beautiful day of fabulous classes and talks open to all Fitpros and Friends. A small intimate eventChampneys Springs has been refurbished and is simply stunning Brand new masterclasses and talksBeautiful Breakfast, Lunch and refreshments all provided Timetable: You are able to make full use of the facilities at Champneys and swim, sauna, use of the gym and relaxation areas whilst on the day.
 If you want to book an overnight  stay at Champneys or treatments you can book those direct with Champneys Springs Leicester contact us for event code.

Address: Gallows Ln, Ashby-de-la-Zouch DE12 7HD

8 – 9 AM: Welcome Breakfast and Drinks.  Breakfast served at 830
915 – 10AM: Welcome Fitness Pilates Spring Wellness Masterclass Team Teach With Rachel & Kelly  studio 1
10 – 1045 AM Fitness Pilates Flex Mobility Calisthenics with Rachel 
11 – 11:45 AM:  Fitness Pilates Barre with Kelly
12 – 1245 Fitness  Pilates Power with Weights Rachel
 1245 – 215 PM: Lunch
 215 – 3pm How To Optimise Your Nutrition For Performance & Wellbeing with Kelly in the Conference room
 3 – 345pm Personalised Gym Technique and How to Optimise your own workout with Kelly in the Gym. Kelly walks you through how to plan your own session in the gym or functional area aligned with your goals.
4 – 4:45 PM:  Mindfulness, Breath Work, Meditation & Relaxation Team Teach with Kelly & Rachel
You are able to make full use of the facilities at Champneys and swim, sauna, use of the gym, and relaxation areas while on the day.
If you want to book an overnight stay at Champneys or treatments, you can book those directly with Champneys Springs.
Only 20 places available 

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