Women’s Health Newsletter – Studio Live

Good Afternoon,

I hope you are well and had a great weekend.

I’ve recorded a YouTube video for you about weight loss and reducing menopausal symptoms. Here it is—I hope you find it helpful. click here 

I’m also running a fast-track 7-day programme on WhatsApp, if you’re interested in joining. In September, I’ll be launching a new 1:1 90-Day Coaching Programme if you are interested do get in touch for details .

Let’s make this autumn our best yet!

Rachel xx

whats app 07976 268672 

7-Day Fat Loss and Reduce Menopausal Symptoms Coaching

7-Day Fat Loss and Reduce Menopausal Symptoms Coaching 

Do you need a 7-day nutrition and workout focus leading up to the bank holiday?
Join my 7-Day Coaching  Kick Start on WhatsApp, and let me coach you for 7 days!
The WhatsApp group opens today.

  • 7 days of Lift Lean workouts
  • Lift Lean shopping list
  • Lift Lean meal plans & protocols

I’m offering an exclusive 7-Day Fat Loss  programme starting Monday , with a limited number of places available via WhatsApp. You’ll receive daily coaching, nutrition guidance, and daily LIFT LEAN & WALKFIT™ strength training workouts and nutrition coaching.

What’s Included:

  • Prep: Nutrition preparation and a personalised plan based on your macros and dietary needs.
  • Health Questionnaire: Using my exclusive S.E.N.S framework.
  • 7-Day Lift Lean Meal Plan & Recipes.
  • Motivation: Daily voice notes for inspiration and guidance.
  • Workouts: 30-minute Lift Lean™ workouts posted in the WhatsApp group every day for you to do at home.

How Does It Work?

  • Upon booking, I’ll send you a link to the WhatsApp group, where you’ll find onboarding videos, introductions, a shopping list, and a prep video.
  • Each day, I’ll post the workout and a voice note with nutrition tips and motivation.

Who Is It For? 

YOU if you are struggling with weight gain and menopausal symptoms.

LIFT LEAN™ instructors looking for an accessible, results-driven nutrition and fitness programme they can replicate.


  • £37 EARLY BIRD (Regular price £57)
  • ONLY 10 SPACES available!

Very limited places—reserve your spot now! CLICK HERE

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