Mothers Day Workouts on Studio Live

Sunday 10th March Join me for Mothering Sunday Workouts !

730am Walkfit 

8am The 50/50 Split Part Step & Aerobics

Lift Lean™ Menofit™ Week
Next week in my Studio Live you can join the LIFT LEAN / Menofit™ Week – There will be a daily Lift Lean / Menofit™ Pre Easter Kick Start.

–7 Lift Lean Workouts

–7 Mini Menofit™ Health Chats & Tips

–Lift Lean Menofit™ Workbook to download

You will also get access to my full online timetable including Fitness Pilates and Guest Presenters Sessions, you will have access for the to take part join in and watch the content! CLICK HERE

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